Think of this as a way to sell your time to advertisers. At first I didn't believe it either, but 24 hours after joining I was paid directly to my PayPal account and every Friday after that. After providing a little information about yourself, they provide links to various websites. When you view the link you earn AND when you view the site you earn money. This has actually been a very fun way to earn as the links are relevant and personalized. It only takes a few minutes to get started.
- Join Here Free
- Fill in your MeFile information under "MeFile"
- Set up your Ad Player under "Adgets"
- Provide your PayPal account in "Housekeeping"
Currently, they are only providing text ads, but video ads are in the works. When downloading music or videos from iTunes for example, you would be able to "sponsor" the download and watch ads that ultimately pay for your purchase. Get a discount product and a little incentive while you situation!
Their referral system pays up to $1.00 per referral. Be sure to let your friends and family know about YouData so they can get paid too. The more people that know, the more ads that will be played and that means more money for you.